
Amplifying GetLitNaija's impact through vibrant branding

GetLitNaija is an online spoken-word competition created for youth to amplify and encourage spoken word poetry in Nigeria. an initiative of Poetic Mines Int’l, a company based in Atlanta, Georgia, committed to the growth of Art and Poetry around the world.






Art Direction

Brand Identity

Marketing Assets



Jide Awulonu

Momurewa Ala

Eniola Femi-Oni

Tokoni Larry Parkins

getlitnaija logo

We were hired to manage an all-inclusive branding and marketing campaign, and oversee the successful launch of the competition. For nearly 2 months, we worked on full launch and marketing strategy and built the brand from scratch.

The brand was built to be friendly and accommodating, as it was an open invitation to everyone, rich or poor, big or small, young or old, to give spoken word a try. To record a video of themselves expressing their stories in ways they might not have considered before.

The logo mark is a unique and minimalist symbol made up of a speech bubble and a megaphone. It summarises the essence of the brand – amplifying spoken word poetry – in as few strokes as possible.

GetLitNaija logo breakdown

Other items created include brand stationery, social media posts, brochures, flyers, merchandise, website, videos etc.

GetLitNaija Website
GetLitNaija Website and Sticker

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